Frequent small group work

Description of the practice

In standard classes, the lecturer allows the student to first verify his or her answer with the person sitting next to him or her or in the small group formed, before asking the student individually for his or her opinion on a topic. This is very comfortable as we can get to know the other person’s position and at the same time check whether we have interpreted the instruction correctly and whether our train of thought is appropriate. After the small group consultation, the lecturer usually gets more voluntary answers to his or her question.

Key elements of practice

1. Ability to communicate with group members
2. Respect for the other person and their expressed position
3. Involvement of students
4. Subsequent interaction with the lecturer
5. Practical element even during lectures
6. Getting students interested

Science area:

Name of the university: Jagiellonian University


Reporting good practice: Gabriela

Number of visits: 31744