Organisation of the timetable

Description of the practice

The organisation of the university timetable is a very important part of a student’s life. People who play sports professionally often face the problem at university of too many missed classes and credits. This is influenced by the fact that people often have to do their work in the form of attending training sessions at the same time. Not all universities are able to prepare a timetable that suits these people, which leads to problems and backlogs later on.

Key elements of practice

1.Uczelnia umożliwia aktywnym studentom połączenie zajęć z wykonywaniem sportu profesjonalnie.
2.Organizacja planu zajęć pozwala na dostosowanie sobie godzin studentowi z jego poza uczelnianymi obowiązkami.

Science area: medical and health sciences and physical culture sciences

Name of the university: Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk


Reporting good practice:

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