Description of the practice
The Faculty has signed a partnership agreement with a company in the industry and, as a result of the cooperation, a thesis competition is organised related to the company’s activities. The company provides mentoring for the solutions in the thesis, students can undertake to solve real business/industry problems while writing the thesis, and at the same time have the practical support of the industry where the solutions could potentially be implemented. There is also the advantage of a collaborative competition solution so students can win prizes.
Key elements of practice
1. Współpraca z biznesem/przemysłem
2. Przygotowanie realnych do wdrożenia rozwiązań w pracach dyplomowych
3. Nagradzanie pracy
4. Dodatkowa opieka merytoryczna w trakcie pisania pracy
Science area: universal
Name of the university: Wrocław University of Science
Reporting good practice: AK
Number of visits: 32212