Student Integrations

Description of the practice

Student well-being is the foundation for good academic performance. Universities that overlook this importance, can impede on the individual student’s thrive for bettering themselves both physically and mentally, especially in today’s world which has an epidemic of young people who suffer from loneliness. A ‘cure’ for this epidemic is simply, frequent student integrations organized by the student councils, and to a reasonable extent, financially supported by university authorities.

Key elements of practice

1. Multiple integrations would need to be setup in a permanent location and be maintained.
2. Every student integration would specialize in a certain field (Music, Art, Sports, Etc) in order to allow every student to find his/her place
3. Each integration would need to organize events (with the aid of the university) in order to promote itself and recruit new students
4. Each Integration would have a degree of autonomy in order to teach students to take care of themselves and others to further create a social culture.
5. Integrate the student integrations into the university culture in order to create an environment which underlines the importance of academics and the individual student’s well-being

Science area: universal

Name of the university: Slaski Uniwersytet Medyczny

Country: Poland

Reporting good practice: MC

Number of visits: 32212