Classes with lecturers from foreign universities

Description of the practice

It is good practice to invite lecturers from other universities (as guest lecturers, e.g. online) who are well versed in the subject and who can be considered an authority in their field. This gives the student an opportunity to get a different perspective on the issue and discuss how the issue is approached in Poland versus other countries around the world. An additional advantage of such meetings is the contact with a foreign language and the opportunity to learn a specialist language.

Key elements of practice

1. The establishment of a collaboration by the university, lecturer or students with an external person.
2. To offer the outsider a guest appearance as part of a course.
3. Agreeing on the nature and topic of the speech.
4. Involving students in active participation during the meeting with the guest speaker.

Science area: universal

Name of the university: University of Lodz


Reporting good practice: RK

Number of visits: 32211