We are pleased to present a new publication summarizing the Foundation for Quality Assurance’s 2024 activities under the “Quality of Learning and Teaching” framework. The publication highlights good practices in Student-Centered Learning (SCL) from the European Higher Education Area and Polish legislation on quality assurance. It also features three exemplary student-centered initiatives from the first edition of a competition designed to inspire greater student engagement in SCL. Additionally, the database of good practices, updated in 2024, reveals a growing focus on “wellbeing,” with nearly 20% of submissions addressing this theme. This publication is valuable for students, academic staff, program directors, and accreditation bodies alike.


Navigating Quality in Polish Higher Education: What International Students Need to Know?

Speaker: Professor Jakub Brdulak
When: December 9, 2024, at 6:00 PM
Where: Online - ZOOM
Professor Jakub Brdulak

The Good Practices in Academic Didactics – the Cookbook

The Good Practices in Academic Didactics – the Cookbook is the first collection of recipes for teaching activities. The book consists of two parts. The first is the recipes prepared by the students. Their collection is open, so you are also invited to share your own ideas. The recipes can be found in the database of good teaching practices available on the Learning Quality Portal: This publication contains those available at the end of October 2022 proposed mainly by students.

Good practice report

Excerpt from the Reports on Visits to Higher Education Institutions conducted by the evaluation team of the Polish Accreditation Committee in 2021.

The ABC of educational quality

The ABC of Educational Quality is a guide for those who want to find out what higher education is about in the European Higher Education Area, to which Poland belongs. The aim of this publication is first and foremost to show the European perspective and to indicate sources that may be important in making a decision on the choice of a particular field of study or university. The publication is dynamic in nature, hence we would like to supplement it with content relevant to readers. We would be grateful for any comments and suggestions sent via the contact form. Read the ABC of quality education online guide.


The ABC of quality of learning and teaching

The ABC of quality of learning and teaching is a guide for those who want to find out what higher education is about in the European Higher Education Area, to which Poland belongs. The aim of this publication is first…

Good practice report

Excerpt from the Reports on Visits to Higher Education Institutions conducted by the evaluation team of the Polish Accreditation Commission in 2021. Read the Raport  

National regulations

Below we present both the Ministry of Education and Science regulations and also links to relevant documents from the Polish Accreditation Commission – the Polish Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). National legislation: The Act of 20 July 2018. Law on higher…


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Public task co-financed with funds from the Ministry of Science received in 2024 under the competition “Organising and animating activities for the academic community”.