Our mission
Quality of Learning and Teaching Foundation
was established on 23 May 2012 on the initiative of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP) by the then President of CRASP, Prof. Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow.
The Foundation works for the widely understood quality of learning and teaching in Polish higher education. One of the main tasks of the Foundation is to support the processes of improving the quality of education.
Our principles and objectives
The Quality of Learning and Teaching Portal aims to provide students with information on the principles under which higher education takes place and also to ensure the quality of education, so that students are able to exercise and justify their rights in this area. In particular:
(1) At the national level, the regulations on the educational process (the Law on Higher Education and Science, the Ordinance on Studies, the Ordinance on Programme Evaluation Criteria) and the activities of the Polish Accreditation Committee, including the criteria and standards for the evaluation of study programmes resulting from the statutes, will be presented in detail,
(2) the systemic framework of the European Higher Education Area will be presented: the concept of Student-Centered Learning and its embedding in the European Guidelines and Standards for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area,
(3) the university level is represented by good practice in quality of learning and teaching improvement by selected universities.
(4) the portal allows students to report good practices concerning the learning process – based on their experiences of attending classes.
Our core values
Higher education is currently experiencing significant challenges in the didactic area. On the one hand, the pressure to improve the education process expressed in the communications of the ministers within the Bologna Process (European Higher Education Area), on the other hand, the recent changes to the national legislation introducing a didactic pathway for the development of academic staff, create great information needs in the environment regarding the design and realisation of didactics. Good higher education is crucial in building a modern and economically and socially developed Polish state, competitive at the global level.